Anne of Green Gables

May 29, 2018
The culmination of a mission is quite a strange feeling. Goodbyes have begun, final interviews, travel arrangements, the whole bit…

BUT, I still have 7 days to work as hard as I possibly can!! That’s what I plan on doing. We had a miracle happen to us on Sunday. We are teaching this amazing man whose 20 and he surprised us by coming to church! He told us he was working and so we were kinda sad, but right as church started he walked in! We had another woman who wants to be baptised come as well!

Out of 29 people at church, 2 were our investigators! AWESOME.

God is real. He knows me and you! Miracles happen every day if we can recognise God’s hand in our, or our family’s life everyday. I am learning to trust Him more and more.

My last excursion was in memory of Makena, Ella, and my Mom. Sorry I beat you to Anne’s place! Anne of Green Gables is a Madsen family favourite in case you didn’t know.

I will be arriving back in California Friday June 8th in the evening.
I will be giving a talk/speech at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Santa Cruz on June 10th.
220 Elk St. Santa Cruz, CA
– Typical dress is ‘Sunday Best’. Shirt and Tie for men. Dresses, skirts, etc. for woman. But you can come as ever you like.
-About 1 hour in length, followed by food/ lunchin at our home!
-Talk to my mom @ 831-588-2035 for more details!

Hope to see you there!!

Love Elder Em

Digital Finding

May 22, 2018

Hellllooooo what’s up?!?!

Time is flying by! This is getting scary!! This week was awesome. We are currently doing
a challenge week in the mission to use technology📱 and media📷 the best/most to help find and teach people about the gospel! So basically what we’ve been doing is going onto Facebook and messaging random people! It’s so funny and awesome at the same time.
After chatting and getting to know one guy we met up an hour later at the tim Hortons🥐🍩☕ (aka the Starbucks/dunkin donuts of canada). We got to know him and then we transitions very sneakily into the gospel. He thought it was awesome and wanted to learn more. So that was a miracle.
We also created a Facebook group called ‘Spiritual Upliftment’ and within a week we’ve gotten over 400 people to join! It’s sweet. We add gators and members and potentials and everyone we meet.
We have been biking around town because it’s getting nicer everyday. We talk to EVERY person that we see and what should have taken 20 minutes on a bike took 3 hours! SO AWESOME. I love biking. 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♂️
Today we went to point bear and it reminded me a lot of home and the California coast.
We did a deal clean of our car and it looks so nice 👌
I will be speaking June 10th at 9am at 220 Elk st. Santa Cruz!! See you then!
 Pattern of my face when i see how much time i have left…😲😮😯😢
Love eld3r Em!

Lobster, Lighthouses, and Family

May 15, 2018
On Saturday we were able to have exchanges with the Charlottetown elders here in Montague and we were working so hard. We knocked and found and taught! To end the exchange we got ice cream at my favorite place. Then we had a dinner appointment and guess what was for dessert- ice cream! I was so stuffed.
Then we traveled to visit our friend Henry who has 1 leg and is coming back to church. He had a surprise for us when we showed up… LOBSTER. Her baked fresh- caught that day-  PEI lobster for us. We were stuffed. He was awesome and came to church for the first time in years.
Life lesson of the week:
– If you want someone to do something- inspire them!! Explain why you love something, give em something to hope for, a better tomorrow! This is what the gospel of Jesus Christ does for me! I am consistently reminded that I am learning everyday, from every interaction.
I love living and serving and finding!
See you in 4 weeks!

May 9, 2018

May 9, 2018
This week was awesome. We have been spending lots of time teaching the investigators that were being taught before we got here. Sad because most of them don’t have the most intent and so we had to drop them.
One of them is sweet though. We talk to her often and she’s reading conference and the book of Mormon like crazy. She came to church. We also walked with another woman and her son to church. We wanna teach the son who is 16.
It is very satisfying knowing that because of your efforts 3 more people came to church out of a group of 25! I love serving here in Montague. Also my companion is the best, and he’s making my last sprint amazing.
Yesterday I was able to bear my testimony at my last zone conference. I began to get emotional and cry. What can I say- giving it my all and memories all come flooding in at that moment. It was very special.
Explored Greenwhich National Park today! Pretty awesome. I LOVE PEI!!
See you soon!


Week 1 PEI

May 1, 2018
Prince Edward island is sweet and here’s why:
1. Slow down. The speed limits on the islands are slower than anywhere else I’ve been. Everyone drives nice and slow and there aren’t many large highways. The main roads are simple 2 lane roads. So it takes a bit to get places but it’s nice
2. Nice. These are the nicest people I’ve meet on my entire mission. Always welcoming you to the island and making sure you’re enjoying your time.
3. My companion. Elder Browning is awesome. Been out for a while and like the outdoors and working hard. We had such a great time together!
4. The branch. The congregation here in Montague is small (15-20 members). They are all so faithful and have such strong testimonies and are Normal!!
5. The beauty. Beaches everywhere. Red sand and red dirt. References to Anne of Green Gabels. Foxes. Lighthouses everywhere.
I love it Here! Working hard my last month and a half!!
Love Elder Madsen
Montague PE
C0A 1R0


April 18, 2018

Well you can say that we SAID YES TO LIFE this week! We were blessed to have an all day p-day and so we said, “let’s do something awesome!” We looked up the island Grand Manan, off the coast of New Brunswick and so we made plans and went!
We had to board a ferry at 7:30 in the morning and ride over to the island. The way over it was rainy and choppy waves and kinda miserable… As we docked in North Harbour the sun came out and we had beautiful times on the lovely island! We saw beautiful beaches, lighthouses, and a bird habitat (Shout out to Makena and all Environmental people).
We got back on the ferry a few hours later and then the rain came back and we KNEW we were blessed by Heavenly father for having such a great time today!
Spiritual Thought:
– Does your blood pressure rise when you’re getting ready to pay at the grocery store and the line next to you is going faster than yours? Patience is something to study…
This is something I have been working on. Patience with my self, area, and other people. I am not the center of all things that I am apart of. Blessings come to those who wait and learn patience.

Baptism in Hampton!!

April 10, 2018

Heavenly Father was with us this past week. We had to take our car into the body shop and so we knew we would be out of a car for a few days… Now the area we cover is very spread out and our home is about 12ks from the church. On the first day with out we were preparing and our mission President called and said he wanted us to come to a training meeting in Halifax for the next day!
We had to call and have some other missionaries come and get us. That was Wednesday and Thursday. We came back Friday and said, “ok lets bike and get some work done!” We began our journey and about 4ks into town, going up a hill, my back tire pops and I get a huge flat! Oh it was hilarious. The first time I was riding a bike in almost 2 years and BOOM! *see pictures* Anyway we walked back home with the bikes and had the neighboring set of missionaries come and we went on exchanges in Saint John till we got our car back.
We had some cool miracles those days and then Sunday was great because Kayla and Belle and Chris were all at church!
Yesterday we had the baptism of Kayla and it was very special. I know that God puts us with companions and areas for specific people and I know that we are here for them.
We ate a large dinner after and it was a night that makes all the hard days worth it. Heavenly Father knows each one of us and what we need! I love them!
Now off to find some more people to teach!

Conference and Dinners

April 3, 2018
Had a stellar week, full of dinners, conference and teaching. Kayla is going to be baptized next week! We are so excited for her and we taught our final lesson yesterday! I love her and her family! General Conference was full of surprises and exciting times! Time to increase my spiritual capacity and grow stronger in my testimony of Christ!
This week will be exciting as our car will be in the body shop all week! We will be biking everywhere and so that will be a real real fun time! hahah We live about 30mins via bike away from the nearest town. So I am very excited to be getting extra fit and tired.
Went to the New Brunswick Museum today- the first museum on my mission! I was enthrolled with the ship building section.
Talk to you next week with pictures of the baptism!

Still singing through life!

March 28, 2018

Hello Everyone!

I know its been a long minute, but here is a quick update on my journey in Atlantic Canada!
I am currently serving in a town called Hampton, New Brunswick. My companion is Elder Swainson and he’s from Alberta! Hampton’s about 25 minutes away from a much larger city, Saint John. We travel to Saint John on our exploration days and see lots of cool sights. This week we visited the large indoor market that goes on everyday. We’ve been to an old tower used in the revolutionary war, and the downtown market square area!
Spiritual things:
I have been recently finished the Book of Mormon after reading it with a question in my mind of, “How can I develop more patience?” This has been a truly eye-opening read because I have been able to learn about our Christ taught about this attribute and how we can apply it in our own lives. I am learning that patience is strongly connected with Faith, and faith is always pointed to the future. I can trust my loving Heavenly Father in knowing that what lies ahead can and will be much better than my mistakes and shortcomings in the past. I have patience in not getting frustrated at myself when it appears positive change isn’t happening.
As you take a moment to look at the bigger perspective, you are able to discover the mighty change that has happened in your life over time. I am beginning to see this more and more with myself. I invite you to ponder on the same question I did and let me know what you find!
Exciting things: 

We are teaching a wonderful family and they are loving learning the gospel of Jesus Christ. The father has been a member his whole life and the mother converted in Hong Kong about 8 years ago. We are teaching their daughter and she wants to be baptized in about 2 weeks! So this is very exciting!
We hosted a talent/ variety show last week and I will attach the video of me and the daughter doing a little duet! It was such a Blast!
B3B 0M4